Protein crackers

2023-10-29 16:37:10COOKIE


  It's a pity that it doesn't make ice cream with the remaining five proteins, so we made a slight change according to your recipe, making a delicious and convenient protein crispy cake!



Protein five
250 grams of wheat flour (general flour)
200 grams of flour
250 grams of butter

How TO MADE Protein crackers

Steps 1 to 4

1. After the good butter is softened at room temperature and mixed with sugar powder, the protein is divided into three parts and mixed evenly with an egg beater (do not over-squeeze). 2. After the middle powder is sifted, pour it into the mixture and continue to stir evenly. 3. Place the mixed dough in a bag of flowers, if there is no bag of flowers, you can also use a preservative bag to cut a corner.

2. If you don't finish the dough at once, you can bake it several times. Oh, I've cooked it four times, enough to eat for a few days! 6.

Handy cooking tips

  The oven is preheated to 150 degrees oh! The butter is best softened at room temperature, I softened the insulation because it's not very hot now, there's no time to wait,