Onion-scented soda biscuits

2023-10-29 16:39:56COOKIE


  Eat more sweet cakes, biscuits and bread, this salty soda biscuit is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air in the baking, tastes fresh, not greasy, but also chewy, try it, it's very simple!



150 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of butter
A quarter of a teaspoon of salt
A quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda
30 grams of onions
60 grams of warm water
1 teaspoon of yeast flour
1 teaspoon of sesame

How TO MADE Onion-scented soda biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Flour and salt mixed with baking soda

2. Butter melted, yeast powder mixed with warm water

3. Put the butter and yeast from step 2 in the flour from step 1, stir and then mix by hand into a dough, add the onions and sesame seeds, don't need much stirring, relax for about 30 minutes

4. Spread the dough into thin skins and make it into the shape you like.

5. Preheat the oven 210 degrees Middle layer 10 minutes Let the surface of the biscuit change color You can adjust the temperature and time according to your oven Ha!