Red sugar walnut cookies

2023-10-29 16:39:59COOKIE


  Red sugar walnut biscuits, one of the most spectacular casual snacks of the winter season, are crispy, fragrant, and delicious.



Low powder 200 grams
100 grams of walnut meat
80 grams of red sugar
100 grams of butter
50 grams of whole egg juice (exactly 58 eggs)
2 grams of flour

How TO MADE Red sugar walnut cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Low powder 200 grams + 2 grams of foam powder for screening reserve, 100 grams of butter, 50 grams of whole egg juice, 80 grams of red sugar, 100 grams of walnut kernel for reserve.

2. Cut small pieces of butter into an egg-making bowl (I use a flour bowl instead), soften at room temperature until it is lightly pressed with a finger to leave a fingerprint, pour it into red sugar, the small pieces in the red sugar need to be crushed in advance.

3. (In winter, softened butter can be put in the microwave with a defrost mode)

4. Stir thoroughly with an egg beater, without plugging it in.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Turn on the egg beater and send the butter.

6. Add the juice again and again, and keep sending.

7. It can be divided three or four times.

8. Add the chopped walnuts to the butter and egg yolk paste.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Walnuts don't need to be cut too thin, they can be chopped into small pieces.

10. Mix with a blender.

11. Pour the low flour into the sieve, mix evenly, form a dough, this amount is relatively dry, you can mix evenly with your hands, if you feel too dry, you can add a little milk, a few grams is enough.

12. The dough is formed into 3.5 cm square strips.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The specific size can be combined with your own grill, which can be square, rectangular, or round.

14. Wrap the well-shaped long strips in a preservative film.

15. Put it in the fridge.

16. If you put it in the freezer, it will last about an hour.

Steps 17 to 20

17. If stored in the freezer, it takes four or five hours, or it can be removed directly the next day.

18. Remove frozen bottle sticks from the refrigerator.

19. Cut about 0.6 cm of uniform thin slices.

20. Placed neatly in the oven, the central temperature of the household oven is high, the surroundings are slightly low, so you can choose to cut thick in the middle and thin in the surroundings.

21. Put it in a preheated oven.

22. Like a plate, medium layer, about fifteen to twenty minutes.

23. If the two plates are baked together, the middle and upper layers, the two plates need to be exchanged during the baking process to avoid roasting.

24. You can turn off the fire with the remaining heat, you can use the remaining heat to make incense, you have to be careful in the final stage, the baked dough can be discarded.

25. Remember that! Remember that!

26. The baking is finished, the stove is out.

27. Butter, added to the red sugar caramel, added to the biscuit slices full of walnuts, in the mouth is fragrant, crisp, beautiful.

28. I ate a piece, I want another piece.

29. Put it in a small jar and enjoy it in your spare time.

30. It is handmade and can be given as a gift to friends and relatives.

31. Of course, my wife and grandmother have to go first.


Handy cooking tips

  The baking of biscuits should be done with the utmost attention to the time of ripening, this biscuit is slightly yellow so that the fire can be turned off, and the remaining heat can be used to bake biscuits to crispy.You need to combine the fire with your own oven, the walnuts are cooked, but the taste is greatly discounted.