Crackers and biscuits

2023-10-29 17:34:01COOKIE


  When I was a kid, these cookies were my kids' favorite food.I remember when I was in first grade, I had to bring two cookies to school every day, and the funniest thing was that I often threw them away.Once upon a time, she was forgotten because of all the new cookies.But as I get older and eat more and more, the taste of my childhood becomes more and more pleasant, and sometimes I feel that the delicious cookies in the supermarket are not as good as hers.The more I think about it, the more I think about it.I don't know if it's the taste of her, or the satisfaction, the happiness of eating her as a child.I've bought old-fashioned cookies at the supermarket, but it doesn't feel the same as when I was a kid.So with the oven, try it yourself, try it yourself to find her.It's a feeling, it's a cycle of taste.25 years ago, you were my favorite.In 25 years, I've forgotten you, but in 25 years, I'll find you again, I don't know how many times in my life.This square is made with reference to the square of the northeast-facing biscuits, it tastes very similar to the one I remember from my childhood, but the taste is different, the soft soft feeling of the one I ate as a child, this time it is baked very crispy, and also very tasty.It's easy to make, and it's common in homes.It's also healthy to eat.



500 grams of flour
134 grams of white sugar
2.5 grams of yeast
5 grams of flour
67 grams of egg juice
100 grams of sesame oil
84 grams of water

How TO MADE Crackers and biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Flour, yeast, and baking powder are mixed well.

2. The oil, the egg yolk, the white sugar, the water are good.

3. The oil is first stirred, then added to the egg juice, stirred, added to the white sugar, stirred, and finally added to the water, stirred thoroughly.

4. The mixed uniform liquid is poured slightly into the powder, stirred into flakes with a chopstick, and then kneaded into a lump.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Twenty minutes to go.

6. Cut the dough into slices.

7. Divided into uniform stripes.

8. Press the flower edge.

9. Preheat the oven at 175°C for 5 minutes.

10. Place the pan in the middle layer.

11. 175 °C 12 minutes

12. The last five minutes of hot air circulation.

13. You can tell if it's cooked by the color.

14. It's handmade, it's thick, it's not very well baked, you can pick it up first, and the rest is baked for three or five minutes.

15. Baked biscuits

16. It's a thick, crispy cookie.

17. After drying, it is placed in a bowl to continue drying, then packed in a bag.
