Cranberry cookies and cookies

2023-10-29 17:34:24COOKIE


  Cranberry biscuits -- a dessert that can effectively relieve irritability on days when every girl is in a low mood, this cranberry biscuit paired with a pot of rose tea is amazing!



100 grams of unsalted butter
40 grams of sugar cream
20 grams of egg juice
1 drop of herb in moderation
Low powder 180 g moderate
25 grams of dried cranberries

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies and cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. After softening the butter, pour the sugar cream into the mixture.

2. Divide the egg juice three times and mix evenly with step 2.

3. And then there's the perfume.

4. Slowly stir until a dough is formed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Dry the cranberries and mix the dough evenly.

6. The dough is pressed by hand into a growing square.

7. About 2 centimeters high and about 4 centimeters wide.

8. Cover with a preservative film, put in the freezer to harden, take out the slices, or put in the freezer to freeze.

9. The hardened dough is cut into thin slices of 0.5 cm, placed in a tray, and because the volume increases after baking (the finished product is about 5 cm long and about 3 cm wide), it is necessary to leave a certain distance between the biscuits.

10. The oven is preheated, 170 degrees up and down, and the middle layer is baked for 15 minutes.

11. It's best to bake the cookies until they're slightly discolored.

12. This level of taste and appearance is good.


Handy cooking tips

  This ratio feels the most appropriate after a few practices.Five cents is sweet, not fattening.It can be baked until the color changes slightly.