Cranberry oatmeal energy biscuits

2023-10-29 17:35:32COOKIE


  I can't stop talking, so I don't have to worry about getting fat.



120 grams of oatmeal
55 g of olive oil
20 grams of red sugar
40 g of honey
Dried cranberries
Low flour 60 grams

How TO MADE Cranberry oatmeal energy biscuits

1. Stir the olive oil, honey and sugar.

2. Add the oatmeal, low flour and dried cranberries and stir evenly.

3. Take a small group of stirred oats, rub them in a circle, squeeze them tightly, and put them on a grill.

4. (The pan can be coated with oil paper to prevent sticking)

5. Preheat in the oven, 170°C, heat up and down, medium, about 15 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  Dried cranberries and sugar, honey can actually be added in moderation, depending on your personal taste.Low-flour is just to make the biscuits easier to pinch at the end, or not at all.