Card cookies with butterfly knots and flowers at the top

2023-10-29 17:36:18COOKIE


  The octopus brother is coming back that day to give him a gift...I don't remember whose square it was, but I loved that cookie at first sight.It's better than what I did...I couldn't find a heart-shaped cookie mold when I made it, so.................I put it together.



Low flour 170 grams
40 grams of flour
100 grams of fine sugar
90 grams of butter
One egg.
10 grams of cocoa powder
Two drops of pink.

How TO MADE Card cookies with butterfly knots and flowers at the top

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials.

2. Adding fine sugar to butter

3. Using an electric egg beater to loosen the hair (white color, slightly enlarged in volume)

4. The eggs are scattered, mixed in butter three times (the original recipe required mixing, I used an electric egg beater as usual when making biscuits until fully mixed and added the next time)

Steps 5 to 8

5. The effect after adding egg juice three times.

6. High and low starch flour after sieving and mixing with a scraper.

7. It is crushed by hand and then divided into two parts, one with two drops of pink pigment, one with a hand mixture into a uniform pink dough, one with a sieve into cocoa powder, one with a hand mixture into a uniform chocolate dough.

8. Pack them up and put them in the fridge for half an hour.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The resulting dough is separately peeled with a doughnut stick, peeled into a 0.5 cm thick doughnut, and cut into growth squares with a knife (the unevenly wrapped doughnuts are used to make heart-shaped decorations or are kneaded into dough and then refrigerated and re-peeled), the two-colored doughnuts are exchanged to make heart-shaped decorations on top of the biscuits, and the arranged biscuits are pressed with a straw hole in one corner.

10. Put the biscuits in a pan and preheat them at 180 degrees for 12 minutes.

11. Take the dried biscuits from the stove and tie a nice butterfly knot in the little hole in the corner.

12. And then, and then, and then, and then.


Handy cooking tips

  In the process of making, do not knead the dough too much, so as not to melt the butter.The baked biscuits can be decorated with chocolate melted into flowers and written on the biscuits, so that the biscuits look better.The decoration of the atomic center shape is made by using a biscuit mold to draw a heart shape on the biscuit and then exchanging two colored biscuits and pasting them into the biscuit.Play as you please...My heart-shaped mold didn't know where to throw it, so I did it myself.It looks a little normal.Whoa.