Count milk tea biscuits

2023-10-29 17:36:22COOKIE





200 grams of low-fat flour
60 grams of almond flour
150 grams of butter
100 grams of flour
One egg yolk
50 grams of milk
Count tea 4 grams
Moderate amount of starch

How TO MADE Count milk tea biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, the unsalted butter is placed in the dish to melt slightly, and the bowl I used is always used in the next mixture, the microwave for one minute.

2. Using an egg beater, the melted butter and sugar powder are stirred until loose, the butter becomes lighter in color, in the stirring, always keeping one direction is more conducive to beating, when the butter enters the middle of the egg beater, it is possible to beat gently on the edge of the stirring bowl.

3. Take a fresh egg, take an egg yolk.

4. S has a painful egg separator, which is not very obviously efficient, and afterwards I have to clean it with water, thinking about the next child's birthday and sending it away.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The egg yolk is crushed and added to the butter mixture two or three times, in the same way as before.

6. As for the rest of the protein, you can make protein biscuits, you can cook, you can throw it away.

7. Count's milk tea can be prepared at this time.

8. The distinctive, highly recognizable scent of the Count's tea still exudes a charming charm after baking.

9. When choosing homemade materials, individuals pay close attention to quality and price.

10. When the milk is heated in the milk pot, the source of the fire is turned off in time when there is a small bubble on the edge of the milk, and the boiling milk produces solid proteins that are not suitable for human absorption.

11. Put two tea bags of 2 grams each directly into the milk and let it simmer for a while.

12. Add the slightly cooled Count's milk tea to the mixed butter.

13. The following is a step-by-step selection, opening a tea bag, adding a small amount of Count tea to the butter, adding the tea to the biscuit scent will be more intense, while visually someone will feel kindness, such as S I

14. Butter and milk tea are fully mixed, which means that there is no liquid in the mixture.

15. Now it's flour and almond flour.

16. Some people like to prepare the work together in the front, after weighing the various materials first time in their respective preparatory positions, even if the camera suddenly appears on the spot, that is a dessert master on the spot, but S does not have a professional operating table, various cups and plates will only labor me to wash them with water, so without affecting the production I still need something to take something, there is absolutely no hassle.

17. After the low-strength powder is cooked, it is filtered directly into the mixing bowl.

18. Almond powder doesn't need to be screened, my double-layer powder screen says it can't be screened, and it doesn't affect the results.

19. Now all the ingredients are fully mixed, and the scissors can be used together, but S uses an oil blender, which is good for making you cry.

20. The so-called full mixing means that the dough enters a powder-free state, and in conjunction with the scraper, the material on the powder and oil mixer around the stirring pot can be concentrated.

21. The fully mixed material is placed in a plastic film, if the mold is used slightly flattened, S can be eaten at home, does not require a delicate shape, lazy directly rub the growth strip, put in the refrigerator fresh layer, the time is half an hour to an hour, the dough will harden.

22. The amount of my biscuits is about the amount of three plates of ordinary oven baking, S makes the dough into two long strips, so that while baking in one oven, calculate the time to start the preparation of the second oven.

23. The same is true for elementary school students who use molds, small portions of dough are more convenient, and the dough becomes soft and scary at the same time.

24. There are many things that can be done during the refrigeration time, cleaning and organizing various utensils, using hot water as much as possible.

25. During the last five minutes of refrigeration, S preheated the oven to 190 degrees Celsius, raising and lowering the fire.

26. And spread the baking paper on the two grill trays.

27. Take the right amount of high-strength flour as hand flour, and cut the dough with a knife on a small chopping board to the appropriate thickness, which in my case is about 5 6 mm, 4 mm requires an appropriate reduction in baking time.

28. In general, when the dough is finished, it still has a considerable hardness, and the shape is basically maintained in a simple round shape.

29. Cut the biscuits a little bit, measure a little bit, pay attention to the distance between the biscuits, although you can also tear them apart after baking, but if you care about the shape of the biscuits, it is better to leave enough distance.

30. After preheating, it is placed in a grill at 190 degrees Celsius, on or off heat, for 12 minutes.

31. In eight or nine minutes, the smell of the biscuits is already very strong, the surface of the biscuits turns golden yellow, the thickness varies, the size varies, the baking time varies, the Chinese people do not stick to the recipe, the flexible mobility is our praise.

32. It's better to put it on a shelf for the cookies to dry.

33. When it dries, you can put it in a sealed container.
