Margaret's little cake

2023-10-29 17:36:46COOKIE





100 grams of low-fat flour
100 grams of cornstarch
60 grams of flour
100 grams of butter
Two boiled eggs.
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Margaret's little cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials.

2. Butter is softened at room temperature, and salt and sugar powder are added to the butter.

3. The mixed butter is spread with an egg beater until the volume is fluffy and the color is pale.

4. Add cooked egg yolk through a sieve to the spread butter.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour the flour and cornstarch into a bowl, stir until dry, squeeze it slightly into a dough, wrap it in a preservative film, refrigerate for one hour.

6. The frozen dough is taken out and kneaded into small balls, weighing about 20 grams each, and then your own fingerprints are pressed on the balls, and the small balls are squeezed into the shape of Margaret's cookies.

7. Preheat in the oven, 170 degrees medium for 15 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  In fact, this dessert is very simple, it's a masterpiece of elementary school baking, and it's cute in shape, and it has its own DIY fingerprints, and it's the spark of every girl's heart.Yes, when applying butter, in order to make the baked snacks more spicy, the degree of application is the same as mentioned above, because seeing some biscuits square is not necessary to apply butter to make the biscuits denser.