Coffee and oatmeal

2023-10-29 17:36:48COOKIE





Low flour (common flour + cornstarch 4: 1 instead) 100 grams
100 grams of oats
One egg.
Two packs of instant coffee (16 g/pack) 32 grams
35 grams of white sugar (I have a lighter taste)
40 grams of cooking oil
50 grams of warm water
3 grams of flour

How TO MADE Coffee and oatmeal

1. 80 grams of plain flour, 20 grams of cornstarch, instant coffee, powdered powder mixed together

2. Eggs and sugar mixed; oil mixed; water mixed, partly mixed evenly (all with a hand-held egg beater)

3. Sift 1 into 2 and stir evenly.

4. A layer of tin paper is placed on the grill, hit the plate with a spoon, slightly flatten the pressure, empty the position, slightly inflate it.

5. (It's very difficult to handle, and there's also a suggestion to rub the powder on the hand and flatten it, that would look better, but it's more convenient...)

6. Preheat the oven 180 degrees for 10 minutes; 180 degrees for 20 minutes, 160 degrees for another 10 minutes (depending on the size of the cookie dough, I make it larger)

Handy cooking tips

  I'm new, the graph is convenient, concise, the success rate is high, haha...