Pre-heat season

2023-10-29 17:37:13COOKIE


  Gingerbread, a food made from ginger and flour, was welcomed by both the ancient Roman Empire and Queen Elizabeth.Gingerbread House Gingerbread Man is also a symbol of the festival, the Christmas atmosphere in the streets is getting stronger, you can't help but stay at home and start making this spectacular snack.If you have children at home, enjoy the process of making it with them and let them share it with their friends, it will be happier.



30 grams of butter
30 grams of flour
1 g of cinnamon powder
2 grams of turmeric powder
Low powder 150 grams
25 grams of water
20 grams of honey
15 grams of whole eggs
Milk (for brushing the surface) 10 g

How TO MADE Pre-heat season

Steps 1 to 4

1. Mix sugar powder, cinnamon powder, ginger powder and low powder through a sieve

2. The melted butter is poured into the powder along with the whole egg solution and mixed evenly.

3. Mix into a smooth dough, put in a freezer box, refrigerate for one hour.

4. Remove the dough and knead it into a dough about 5 mm thick, with the surface coating loose for about 20 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Use a fork to evenly pierce the surface of the dough to allow air to pass during baking

6. Shapes carved from biscuits

7. Using a shovel-like auxiliary tool, move the cut biscuits into the baking tray and brush the milk on the surface

8. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees, the biscuits are baked for 15 to 20 minutes and then dried. You can also decorate the surface of the biscuits with egg whites, sugar cream and dyes, according to your preference.