
2023-10-29 17:38:14COOKIE





Low flour 100 grams
60 grams of butter
10 grams of butter
One egg yolk.
50 grams of flour
10 grams of cocoa powder

How TO MADE Cheesecake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter and ghee are softened at room temperature and then baked in an egg maker.

2. After cooking, add the sugar powder to the butter and continue beating, then pour it into an egg yolk, soak the egg butter and then pour the powder into the powder, use your hands to make a smooth dough that is as soft as the dough, put the soft backpack on the preservative film for use...

3. And then the total amount of ingredients is the same as the raw dough, but the flour is 90 grams plus 10 grams of cocoa powder.

4. And then you put the two pieces in two squares, and you brush the egg whites in the middle, and you put the shapes together.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take a good knife and cut it into a picture-like shape, put the two colors apart, brush the egg whites together, then shape it, put it in the fridge and freeze it for ten minutes.

6. Cut the frozen noodles into thick, uniform slices, put oil paper on the pan, and bake them at 170 degrees for 20 minutes...

7. Out of the oven

8. On the stove, prepare the tablecloth for my baby girl.

9. On the table... for my baby girl...