Corn and sesame biscuits

2023-10-29 17:40:29COOKIE


  I think it's the easiest way to make cookies in baked goods.It doesn't have to go through fermentation once or twice like making bread, it doesn't have to go through fermentation twice like making a cake, it doesn't have to go through fermentation twice like making a cake, it doesn't have to go through fermentation twice like making a cake.It only takes about 20 minutes from preparation to the production of a mature embryo, which is really time-saving, so every three to five minutes it's done and eaten, both hungry and full.



100 grams of flour
50 grams of cornstarch
30 grams of cornmeal
60 grams of white sugar
80 grams of corn oil
3 grams of flour
One gram of baking soda
A little black sesame
A little white sesame

How TO MADE Corn and sesame biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Flour, cornstarch, and starch are weighed separately and then called flour and soda.

2. Mixed and homogeneous

3. Eggs beaten in a clean bowl with sugar and corn oil stirred evenly

4. Then add the black and white sesame.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the powder in it.

6. Mixed into a dough

7. Mix into small, medium-sized balls and place them flat on the grill.

8. Preheat the middle layer of the oven 200 degrees for 25 minutes and it's OK.

Handy cooking tips

  You can add all kinds of ingredients according to your preferences: peanuts, almonds, etc.