Tea and almond cookies

2023-10-29 17:40:59COOKIE





95 grams of low-fat flour
32 grams of flour
18 grams of fine sugar
25 grams of eggs
10 grams of whole egg juice
5 grams of tea powder
One bag of almonds
65 grams of unsalted butter

How TO MADE Tea and almond cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Cut the butter into slices and soften it at room temperature.

2. Added sugar powder and refined sugar.

3. After beating with an egg beater until the volume expands and the color turns pale, add the egg juice 2-3 times, mix the egg juice once and add it again, and send it until the volume expands and the color turns pale.

4. It is a mixture of matcha powder and low starch flour.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix evenly with a knife.

6. Mixed into dough.

7. The pan is covered with baking paper, and the dough is rubbed into a round cake.

8. One almond is pressed by hand on top of each cake, and the whole egg juice is applied where the almonds and the cake come into contact.

9. The oven is preheated at 170 degrees, and the middle layer can be cooked for 20 minutes, which can be adjusted according to the desired oven.
