Cranberry biscuits - zero mistakes for the beginner

2023-10-29 17:42:53COOKIE


  It's mainly for children, and if you eat it yourself, you can reduce the sugar powder.



140 grams of low-fat flour
75 grams of butter
35 grams of cranberries
45 grams of flour
A moderate amount of egg juice

How TO MADE Cranberry biscuits - zero mistakes for the beginner

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, a large collection of supplies, (I don't have any powdered sugar, I'll replace it with fine sugar).

2. Soften the butter and add sugar powder to soften it. (Do not melt the butter when softening, otherwise it will become butter juice.)

3. When we soften the butter, we chop the cranberries, (my cranberries are especially chopped, mainly for children to eat, you can chop a little, but try not to chop too much)

4. The butter is softened and added to the whole egg juice, (I regretted it after adding it, I should have just added 15 ml).

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the biscuits in the fridge and freeze for 50 minutes, take them out, cut them into 0.8 cm thick pieces, put them in the oven and bake them for 18 minutes at 160 degrees!

6. Internal features

Handy cooking tips

  1. pay attention to the heat, do not bake the dough! 2. pay attention when cutting the biscuits do not be too thin and do not be too thick! 3. there is more butter in the second square, you can reduce it moderately