Angry little bird sugar cream cookies

2023-10-29 17:44:09COOKIE


  In my childhood, I remember holding an iPad, blowing air conditioning, holding a cold drink, and playing Angry Birds, and years passed, and this year finally saw the release of Angry Birds, a movie about a group of flightless birds crammed on a tropical island, living in peace and quiet, but when the mysterious green piglets landed on the island, the peaceful lives of the birds were broken.The lovely birds will surely win the love of the children.When I was drawing.The little bread comes to take care of me from time to time, he likes the little blue bird the most, haha!



Low powder 140 grams
40 grams of milk
20 grams of egg juice (whole egg)
25 grams of milk powder
35 grams of flour
35 grams of butter
180 grams of sugar powder
30 grams of water
2 drops of red food coloring
Two drops of food coloring blue
2 drops of edible green
3 drops of food coloring
2 drops of food coloring

How TO MADE Angry little bird sugar cream cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature, sugar powder is added, stirred evenly with a rubber scraper, and then beaten loose with an electric egg beater.

2. Add a small amount of whole egg juice to the spread butter.

3. Add half of the milk and sift half of the low powder, stir evenly and add the remaining milk, low powder and milk powder.

4. Mix it by hand into a dough, wrap it in a preservative film, refrigerate it for 30-40 minutes.

5. The dough is kneaded into a 5 mm thick dough skin with a kneading stick.

6. Pressure graphics on facial skin with a circular mold.

7. My circular mold is a bit deformed because I changed it to look like an egg before.

8. But I was corrected and came back.

9. Preheated at 170 degrees, evenly placed in a pan with oil paper, placed in the oven and baked for 12-13 minutes.

10. The baked biscuits are cooled, and then the sugar cream is prepared.

11. Prepare sugar cream, of course if you don't have sugar cream at home, you can also make your own sugar cream with egg yolk and sugar powder.

12. Add 30 g of water and stir evenly.

13. It's a clear line.

14. When the launch is completed, the egg head has a strong small triangle at the front.

15. The sugar cream is colored separately, adding the corresponding pigments, for green, red, yellow, white, black, blue.

16. Then you need to use gray, add a little more white sugar cream to the black base, orange is yellow with a little more red, so you can add a little more black and yellow.

17. Here comes the inorganic pig: wrap it in black sugar cream, then wrap the whole cookie in green sugar cream and dry it.

18. After the paving is completed, if there are small bubbles, pick them with a toothpick, so that the surface is clean and smooth.

19. Use black sugar cream to outline the five senses of a pig, as shown in the figure.

20. Apply white sugar cream to the eyes and use black to dye the pupils while the white is still dry

21. Fill your mouth with red and cover your nose with green.

22. Two lovely nostrils with black sugar cream before the green dries

23. The redest fat red: circled with black sugar cream.

24. The biscuits are then filled with white powdered sugar cream and dried.

25. After drying, apply red sugar cream and dry.

26. A bird's five senses drawn in black dashed sugar cream

27. Fill the eyes with white flour cream and apply it to the pupils while they are still dry.

28. Fill its mouth with orange, and the red bird is done!

29. The yellow bird: its first two steps are consistent with the red bird, as shown in the figure.

30. Draw the five senses of the bird with black dashed sugar cream, and draw the eyebrows with red sugar cream.

31. Fill the eyes with white flour cream and apply it to the pupils while they are still dry.

32. Fill its mouth with orange, and the yellow bird is done!

33. Blue Bird: Circled with black sugar cream, the blue sugar cream covers the entire surface of the biscuit and dries

34. Draw the five senses of a young bird with black dashed sugar cream.

35. Fill your eyes with white sugar cream and use it to dry your pupils, and your cheeks with red sugar cream.

36. Fill its mouth with orange, and the blue bird is done!

37. Black bird: Black sugar cream fills the top half of the circle and dries

38. The lower half of the cookie is covered with gray sugar cream.

39. Draw the five senses of the bird with black dashed sugar cream, and draw the eyebrows with red sugar cream.

40. A bird's five senses filled with orange, white, and gray sugar cream

41. After the gray eyes dry, fill the eyelids with white sugar cream and take advantage of the fact that the pupils are not dry, the black bird is done!

42. Angry Birds is done!

43. It's so cool to be inspired by the special edition of Angry Birds!

44. Take a group photo.


Handy cooking tips

  When used, it should be covered with a protective film and moistened with a towel.2. When paving, it must be done on a flat surface.If the squeezed sugar cream cannot flatten itself, it indicates that the sugar cream is too thick and dense.3. The sugar cream on the edge needs to be thicker, and the surface needs to be diluted.4. If there are small bubbles, they can be broken with a needle, and the surface is flattened.5. When filling, make sure that the sugar cream around or at the bottom has completely solidified.This works better, otherwise it's easy to collapse.