Children's Day with children - sugar cream biscuits

2023-10-29 17:44:55COOKIE


  Today is Children's Day, exciting for every child and adult.In fact, I think that as long as we are children, we can still celebrate Children's Day!



120 grams of butter
60 grams of flour
23 grams of whole egg juice
2 grams of salt
2 drops of herbs
Low powder 200 grams
Sugar powder (protein cream) 150 grams
20 grams of protein cream
Water (protein cream) 3 tablespoons

How TO MADE Children's Day with children - sugar cream biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter softening at room temperature

2. Add the sifted sugar powder and stir evenly with a manual egg beater.

3. Add the egg juice, stir evenly

4. Add salt and vanilla extract and mix.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Finally, add low powder and stir gently and evenly with a scraper.

6. Then put it in the fridge for half an hour.

7. The chilled dough is put into a preservative bag, cut into thin slices of about 3 mm with a doughnut stick, pressed into your favorite shape with a printing press, and then placed in a pan covered with oil paper.

8. Protein cream method: protein is sent to the fish eye blister with a manual egg beater

Steps 9 to 12

9. Slowly add the screened sugar powder to the protein and stir evenly

10. Then add water to adjust to a slightly fluid and slow-flowing effect.

11. Use edible dyes to create the desired color and put it in the flower band.

12. It's nice to paint a cute picture on a cool cookie.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Finished flower kittens