Cabbage and jelly cake

2023-10-29 17:44:55COOKIE


  Coconut pulp is the processed flesh of the coconut, i.e. the part of the white flesh inside the yellow hard shell except the coconut juice, which is a natural food.Coconut is rich in vitamins and minerals and trace elements, as well as most of the proteins in coconut fruit, and is an excellent source of amino acids.It's a hearty dish with a strong aroma of coconut oil and a sour sweetness of jam, which goes well together, and the taste is very delicious.



Low powder 200 grams
70 grams of flour
One egg.
60 grams of corn oil
Vanilla powder is 1/8 T
One egg.
85 grams of coconut
White sugar 35 grams
Blueberry juice in moderation

How TO MADE Cabbage and jelly cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the ingredients for the base of the cake.

2. Prepare the ingredients for the filling.

3. All the ingredients of the base are mixed evenly and then gently rubbed by hand into coarse grains without dry powder.

4. (Don't rub too much to affect the taste)

Steps 5 to 8

5. It is placed directly in a mold with a padded oil cloth, spread evenly and then pressed tightly, i.e. the base of the cake, covered with a preservative film, refrigerated in the refrigerator for one hour.

6. After 1 hour, remove the base of the cake and use a fork to make small holes in the top so that the base of the cake does not swell during baking.

7. Preheat oven: 170 degrees medium for 15 minutes.

8. Use the time at the bottom of the baking cake to start preparing the filling: after spreading the eggs, add coconut oil and white sugar to stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take out the baked dough and dry it slightly.

10. Then apply the blueberry jam evenly on top.

11. Finally, apply the mixed coconut flour on top and gently smooth it.

12. Put it back in the oven: 170 degrees for 5 minutes until the surface is golden yellow.

13. (Baking time and temperature are for reference only, please adjust according to the heat of your oven)