Mushroom crackers

2023-10-29 17:44:57COOKIE


  6.1 Children's Day is coming! Happiness and happiness are the patents of children, although Children's Day is not on the weekends, but I believe that all loving parents will take time to be with their children, so where are you ready to take your children to play?Mushrooms can also be used to make biscuits? In fact, the lovely black mushroom head is coated with black chocolate, and this type of mushroom biscuit is fun and fun, especially suitable for children to eat at parties on the 6th of January.



50 grams of butter
40 grams of flour
30 grams of whole eggs
120 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of cheese powder
Supporting material: moderate amounts of dark chocolate

How TO MADE Mushroom crackers

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare all the materials.

2. After the butter is softened at room temperature, sugar powder is added, stirred slightly with an electric egg beater and sent until the color fades.

3. The scattered eggs are added in stages and stirred until completely mixed.

4. The paste is well mixed, the pattern is very clear, and it appears to be loose.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Low-fat flour and cheese flour are mixed and added to the butter and stirred with a scraper to a dry powder-free state.

6. Cover the mixed dough with a preservative film and refrigerate for one hour in the refrigerator.

7. Divide the chilled dough into small doughs of about 6 g, each dough further divided into halves of about 4 g and 2 g.

8. 4 grams of dough is rubbed into a round ball and then a thick head is pressed into a mushroom head with a chopstick and 2 grams of dough is rubbed into a large and a small mushroom head.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The biscuits are baked until they are slightly coloured and left to cool.

10. Cut the two heads of the mushroom slightly flat and combine the mushroom head with the mushroom stem.

11. Melt the dark chocolate insulation, fill the mushroom heads with chocolate sauce, stand up and let them dry.

12. Cute little mushrooms

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cute little mushrooms

14. Cute little mushrooms

Handy cooking tips

  1 teaspoon of cheese powder will have larger particles, which can be screened with a thicker screen.The weight of the dough of the mushroom head and the mushroom stalk is too fine to be divided, a little more or less can be made into mushrooms, just be careful when baking.3 Divided small dough should be covered with a preservative film to prevent drying.To better maintain the shape of the mushroom head, the mushroom head and the mushroom stem are baked separately and then combined.When combined, the two heads of the mushroom stalk are slightly flattened and glued in the same position, so that they can be well connected to the mushroom head.The temperature and time of baking are for reference only, please adjust according to the temperature performance of the oven and the size of the biscuit.