Scary finger cookies

2023-10-29 17:45:59COOKIE





220 grams of fortified flour
100 ml of vegetable oil
One egg.
How much is enough?
50 grams of white sugar
2 grams of salt

How TO MADE Scary finger cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add white sugar salt to the flour

2. I added vegetable oil, and it was 80 grams, and I didn't have to weigh it, so I changed the spoon to about 100 milliliters.

3. It's probably because the amount of vegetable oil is different from the original amount, so my dough is very loose, and I've added an egg yolk.

4. Grind into a smooth dough, cover with a loose preservative for 20 minutes

Steps 5 to 8

5. Divide into small doses (about 20), rub the growth strip

6. I'm going to use a scraper to press a few lines on the joints, and I'm going to feel my fingers right away, and I'm going to be a little nervous when I do it.

7. Placed on a pan with oil paper, 175 degrees, medium, 25 minutes (time please adjust according to your oven), cooked with a little tomato sauce on the nails.


Handy cooking tips

  After baking, it's easy to lose the nails, so maybe step 6 is to rub a little egg juice on the tips of the fingers and press the nails.