Coconut cookies

2023-10-29 17:50:03COOKIE





250 grams of low-fat flour
80 grams of butter
70 grams of milk
White wine (top layer) 50 ml
White chocolate (top layer) 150 grams
Light cream surface layer (optional) 20 ml
Coconut (top layer) in moderation
60 grams of rice oil
60 grams of refined sugar (light)
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Coconut cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature and the rice oil is heated to release the aroma of the flowers (the taste of the rice oil)

2. Use an egg press to spread the butter, add fine sugar, add salt to the feathers, and then pour into the rice oil until it bubbles slightly.

3. The second step is to pour the unnamed mixed mixture into the low powder and stir it thoroughly and evenly.

4. I will.

Steps 5 to 8

5. .

6. .

7. What's going on?

8. .

9. .

10. I don't know what to call the yellow mixture that looks like a rack, so let's call it a yellow rack for a while.

11. Don't forget to take a picture of the baking process, just put a picture on it, hopefully it's a one-word expression that people can understand.

12. Preheat the oven to 130 degrees, put the rake in the oven for 30 minutes; then adjust the temperature to 180 degrees, bake for 10 minutes (depending on the individual oven, pay attention to the color (oh) oh)

13. The process of roasting the round rake turns it into a semicircular shape.

14. Next, boil the water in the pot, boil the water and put it on a small fire, isolate the water to melt the white chocolate, pour it into the light cream, stir it evenly, then pour it into the wine, use the egg beater to beat the chocolate and the wine to full fusion, it is close to transparent.

15. Put the baked biscuits one by one in the chocolate, wrap them evenly in the chocolate liquid, throw the chocolate liquid slightly on the surface when you take it out of the bowl, dry it until the chocolate on the surface is slightly thickened, throw it in the coconut powder and wrap the coconut powder completely.
