Watermelon biscuits

2023-10-29 17:50:23COOKIE





Low powder 110 grams
40 grams of butter
50 g of white sugar
2 grams of tea powder
50 grams of purple
One egg.
Some black sesame

How TO MADE Watermelon biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Steamed purple potatoes, chopsticks are not hard in the middle

2. The purple potatoes are delicious and delicious.

3. The butter is softened at room temperature, cut into small pieces for easy mixing: add white sugar and egg yolk to mix; sift into low powder three times, stir; knead into dough;

4. Divide it into three parts, 1:1:2; the first part is mixed with tea powder; the second part is mixed as a backup, if you touch it, you can add low flour as desired; the third part is mixed with purple potato paste;

Steps 5 to 8

5. The purple dough is kneaded into a cylinder; the original dough is kneaded into a fairly large dough and wrapped in a purple dough pillow;

6. The tea dough is wrapped in a dough wrapped in the original color of the purple potatoes; the size must be comparable to the dough;

7. After wrapping, wrap in a preservative film and refrigerate for one hour;

8. The frozen dough is cut into thin, uniform slices, then cut in the middle, into a watermelon shape, and decorated with black sesame in the purple potato part; the oil paper is placed in the baking pan;

Steps 9 to 12

9. Set on fire, 200 degrees, 20 minutes; you can adjust the heat and time according to your oven, do not burn the green part, observe the change in color;

10. Take it out, dry it, and put it on a plate.

11. That's good, that's good.

Handy cooking tips

  1 teaspoon of tea powder must not be too much, otherwise the skin will crack; 2 teaspoons of purple potatoes can be added as desired, and the purple part of the biscuit is soft and sticky; 3 teaspoons of dry powder, anti-sticky hands, scrapers and dough are better when adding color.