Blue and black tea cookies

2023-10-29 17:50:34COOKIE


  China is the birthplace of tea, and the Han people drink tea, which is said to have begun in the Tang Dynasty, or more than 4,700 years ago.Until now, Chinese Han compatriots still have the custom of giving tea as a gift.Now put the tea in the biscuits, don't have a taste, from drinking tea to eating tea.



110 grams of low-fat flour
Blue juice powder 3 (one packet) can be exchanged for 5 grams of tea powder
15 grams of whole eggs
35 grams of flour
65 grams of butter
1 gram of salt
One packet of black tea
3 drops of lemon juice

How TO MADE Blue and black tea cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened, salted, sugar powdered, and mixed with a scraper.

2. Add the egg yolk and stir.

3. Add three drops of lemon juice and continue to stir evenly.

4. Add green juice powder, tear the tea bag, pour into the tea leaves, add low powder, stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take a mold, cover it with a preservative film, and press the dough into it.

6. Clean it up.

7. Put it in the fridge with the preservative and freeze it for an hour.

8. Slice 0.2 mm into the oven 125 degrees countdown second layer baking 20 minutes baking slightly yellow on the edge before baking