The Secret of the Goddess - Red Sugar Oatmeal

2023-10-29 17:52:24COOKIE


  The ingredients of this cookie are healthy and nutritious.The main ingredient is oatmeal, which is highly nutritious and recognized as a green health food.Oatmeal has many cosmetic properties, such as anti-wrinkle, antioxidant, whitening, and moisturizing the skin.Oatmeal is a nutritious and non-fattening health food for those who are currently working.Red sugar is also important for us women, and women shouldn't go 100 days without sugar, which means red sugar.It contains calcium and magnesium, which can work together to calm and relax, and iron can also replenish the loss of physiological period.In the morning, you can eat it for breakfast, and when you're hungry, you can eat a few pieces to relieve hunger, and it's a healthier green snack.



120 grams of low-fat flour
35 grams of red sugar
50 grams of oatmeal
One egg.
2 grams of baking soda
60 grams of sesame oil

How TO MADE The Secret of the Goddess - Red Sugar Oatmeal

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation of raw materials.

2. The oil and eggs are mixed together and stirred evenly.

3. Add red sugar and stir evenly.

4. Mix the flour and baking soda and oatmeal together.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour it into the egg yolk solution.

6. Stirring

7. What it looks like after mixing.

8. Divide it into small groups of about 16 grams, rub the circle and then flatten it, I make a half-circle, I make a half-heart shape.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The oven is 160 degrees for 25 minutes.

10. The fragrant red sugar oatmeal is good! Eat it!