Cranberry cookies

2023-10-29 18:24:51COOKIE





Dried cranberries 35 grams
115 grams of low-fat flour
75 grams of butter
35 grams of flour
15 grams of whole eggs

How TO MADE Cranberry cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The material is ready.

2. The butter is not softened, the sugar powder is added and stirred evenly, the egg juice is added and stirred evenly, and the cranberries are dried.

3. Mixed evenly

4. Add the low-fat flour and knead it into a dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. A lot of people don't care about the screening process, but the screening allows the flour to be spread evenly.

6. Put it in a mold, mold it.

7. Put it in the fridge for an hour.

8. Slice and dice

9. Put it in the oven, preheat it to 160 degrees, about fifteen to twenty minutes!