Peanut butter and chocolate cookies

2023-10-29 18:25:19COOKIE





Low starch flour (biscuit germ) 350 grams
125 grams of butter and biscuits
Peanut butter (sliding form) (biscuit seeds) 125 g
Sugar powder (biscuit seeds) 80 grams
Red sugar (biscuit seeds) 80 grams
Eggs and biscuits 1
2 grams of salt (biscuit seeds)
Dark chocolate (decorated with biscuits)
A moderate amount of nuts (cookie decorations)

How TO MADE Peanut butter and chocolate cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature and added to the peanut butter mixture at room temperature;

2. Add the scattered egg juice and stir.

3. Add sugar powder to the mixture;

4. After adding the red sugar to the mixture, set for 20 minutes (some of the granules in the red sugar during the setting will be slowly dissolved by the water in the butter mixture, achieving a better mixing effect);

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add low-fat flour to the mixture;

6. The mixed dough is placed in the refrigerator for one hour;

7. The dough is placed on a preservative film, which is also covered with a preservative film, opened with a dough stick about 3 mm thick, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for 30 minutes;

8. Use the mold to carve a circle on the cookie embryo and put the cookie embryo in the baking tray;

Steps 9 to 12

9. The oven is preheated at 180°, the middle layer is set on fire for 10 minutes, then the fire is turned off and cooked for 10 minutes, then transferred to the baking net for cooling.

10. The dark chocolate is melted and then, when the temperature drops to zero, part of it is placed in the flower band;

11. The shape of a deer is drawn on the surface of the biscuit with chocolate sauce;

12. The biscuits are then dipped in chocolate sauce for four weeks, and finally dipped in the nuts, so that the biscuits stick evenly to the nuts for four weeks, and the chocolate is ready to eat when it solidifies.
