Pork oil and cranberry cookies

2023-10-29 18:25:42COOKIE


  Because there was no butter, and I especially wanted to eat cranberry biscuits, I temporarily replaced them with pork fat, and I didn't expect to achieve a delicious Chinese and Western fried chicken.I think pork fat cakes are better than butter cakes.



110 grams of low-fat flour
70 grams of pork fat
One egg.
White sugar in moderation

How TO MADE Pork oil and cranberry cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Melt the pork fat and mix it with an egg.

2. Add cranberries and white sugar, make your own biscuits, put more in the cranberries, it tastes better, but I seem to have put more, a little bit of an aftereffect, I'll know in a minute.

3. Slowly add the flour to the bowl that has just been mixed and mix it into snowflakes.

4. It is then formed by hand into a rectangular column.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Wrap in a preservative film, put in the refrigerator and freeze for one hour.

6. Take the slices out of the freezer and put them on the grill.

7. Put the middle layer in the oven at 160 degrees for about 15 minutes.

8. Dry and finished.

9. You can eat crispy cocoa, sour, sweet and sour cranberry biscuits.

10. What are the after-effects? There are too many cranberries, the slices are easy to crack.

11. Everything seems to be in moderation, not so much good.
