Round cake

2023-10-29 18:29:27COOKIE





200 grams of wheat flour
60 grams of butter
20 g of white sugar
120 grams of milk
6 grams of yeast powder
2.5 ml of salt
Surface decoration: moderate
One egg yolk.
15 meters of water
Rough sugar moderate

How TO MADE Round cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. In addition to the butter, all the ingredients are put into the cooking machine and kneaded into an elastic dough;

2. Add room-temperature softened butter and knead until the thin film expands;

3. Take it out, rub it gently with your hands, put it in the oven and ferment for 30 minutes;

4. After exhausting the fermented dough, divide it evenly into 32 pieces, cover it with a preservative film and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take a small piece of dough and rub it with your hands to make it grow and twist the two ends together.

6. The two heads are folded over the upper circle, and a circle is made.

7. All the cakes are ready to be put on the grill.

8. Brush the surface with a mixture of egg yolk and water;

Steps 9 to 12

9. Gently pick up the round cake, brush the egg yolk on top of the coarse sugar, and sprinkle it with sugar.

10. Then gently put the pan back, paying attention to the side with the sugar grains.

11. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees, heat the middle layer and bake for 20 minutes until the surface is brownish-yellow;

12. After drying, it can be eaten as a snack, and when it is hot, it is good to eat, it is a bit like bread, when it is cold, it is crisp.


Handy cooking tips

  1. this snack does not need any high starch flour, as long as the flour commonly used at home is enough; 2. the dough needs to be mixed to the expansion stage, without a cook's machine, use a baking machine, or mix by hand, as if it is not very difficult; 3. this snack does not ferment for too long, half an hour; 4. put the finished shape immediately in the oven to avoid deformation after fermentation.