Watermelon biscuits

2023-10-29 18:29:32COOKIE


  A gift to Ai, a baby who loves to eat watermelon.



35 grams of unsalted butter
75 grams of low-fat flour
10 grams of egg yolk
25 grams of flour
5 grams of milk powder
1 g of tea powder
3 grams of red beans
1 g of flour
Black sesame in moderation

How TO MADE Watermelon biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is so soft that you can poke a hole with your hands.

2. Sweetened powder

3. Egg yolk added to butter

4. Sieve the low-fat flour, milk powder, and baking powder into a sieve bowl and mix by hand (mix with a scraper)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add two-thirds of the flour to the dough.

6. Grinding into an 8 cm cylinder

7. The other one-third is mixed with matcha powder.

8. Wrap the preservative into 7 cm slices

Steps 9 to 12

9. Both are wrapped in a preservative film and placed in the freezer for 30 minutes.

10. Wrap the green slices in red cylindrical dough and freeze again for 30 minutes.

11. Cut into 5 mm thick slices, cut in the middle, glue on black sesame 180° 8-10min

Handy cooking tips

  In step three, I did it by hand, wearing disposable gloves, so it's more efficient than a razor blade, and you can also use a razor blade.The green panel is wrapped in a red cylinder, so don't roll it back and forth, just put it in the freezer.This is a small amount, you can use pigment, Wilton and AC without red powder, and the quality is good.