Walnut toothpicks

2023-10-29 18:30:13COOKIE


  This toothbrush is specially made to compensate for the baby, adding walnuts and mom's love.



Low powder 120 grams
Three nuts
25 grams of flour
7 grams of butter
One egg.

How TO MADE Walnut toothpicks

Steps 1 to 4

1. Walnuts are ground in a blender.

2. Butter softened, added sugar powder, egg juice, stirred

3. Sift into low-fat flour, walnut flour, stir evenly

4. After kneading, loosen for 20 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. It's thinly sliced into one piece.

6. Pull the two ends of each piece together and screw them together.

7. Put in the oven, preheat the oven, 180 degrees, medium, 25 minutes

Handy cooking tips

  When the walnuts are stirred, because there are so few of them, some of them are coarse and can be finely chopped with a handful of flour.