Salted cheese bars

2023-10-29 18:32:08COOKIE


  Recently, I've been buying a kilo of cheese, a box of cheese, and when I get home, I cut it into small pieces and use it as needed, but there's always a little bit left over, and the cake is too little, lost and wasted, so I have to do something small to destroy it.What's good to do? What's good to do? A little bit like this, more or less, really confused me, suddenly I remembered the cheese sticks I had bought at the beauty shop before... Suddenly it rained heavily in the afternoon, I couldn't go where I wanted to go, the scheduled appointment was postponed,Looking at the rain falling vertically from the window, I always didn't like it, so I picked up the book twice, and while reading the book, I liked to have some snacks next to it, which can satisfy the lonely stomach while restoring the mind, a cup of hot milk or black tea, a stick of cheese, enough to spend the whole afternoon.



90 grams of flour
40 grams of whole eggs
50 grams of cheese
White sugar 15 grams
1.5 grams of salt
2 grams of yeast

How TO MADE Salted cheese bars

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials mixed

2. It's a smooth dough that doesn't need to be peeled.

3. The dough is fermented twice as much.

4. After the dough is evaporated, the dough is sliced.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Laying up

6. Repeat three times, cut and rub.

7. A cylindrical rod about 0.5 cm in diameter and 10 cm long

8. Put it on the grill; stack two rows, don't stick together

Handy cooking tips

  After the cheese sticks are cooled out of the oven, they should be sealed and stored immediately, and then removed when eaten, otherwise they will easily soften.