Mango and cheese cookies

2023-10-29 18:32:33COOKIE





130 grams of cheese
70 grams of butter
55 grams of fine sugar
A big one.
Low powder 235 grams
A few drops of herbs
Fruit juice in moderation
Almonds in moderation

How TO MADE Mango and cheese cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Summary: (The original recipe was 50 g of sugar and 200 g of flour, because I don't like to eat too much oil and too sweet, so the ratio of sugar and flour was changed again, if you are interested you can make it according to the original recipe, my oven is 34 and I made two big ones)

2. 2 tablespoons of cream cheese 130 grams + 70 grams of butter, softened and mixed and smoothed (I softened the waterproofing and then beat it with an egg beater)

3. Add all the sugar at once, continue to spread, and add the whole egg juice in stages (don't forget to leave a little bit, oh), and you'll be fine.

4. Add a few drops of vanilla perfume and mix.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After adding the flour to the sieve, grind it into clusters.

6. Don't rub too much, just in groups.

7. 6 Divided into two groups (or into three or four groups according to individual wishes)

8. The dough is to be kneaded into an elliptical shape, so it is best to start by forming the dough.

9. Start kneading the dough, knead it into an oval shape (the thickness is your own, I'm about 0.5 thick, I think it's still a little thick), and then press a groove in the middle with your fingers.

10. Brush the egg yolk that's left on the surface, squeeze your favorite jam in the middle, sprinkle nuts or pumpkins on both sides, whatever you want, and then squeeze it a little bit, and then it's in the oven.

11. It is cooked at 190 degrees for about 20 minutes until it turns red (if the cake is a little thick, it takes a little longer), and then it is cut after it dries.


Handy cooking tips

  After adding 1 tablespoon of low-flour dough, you can hold it in your hand, don't mix it too much.2 tablespoons of jam can be changed to your favorite flavor, and the spray can be customized to your liking.3 Ice skins can be slightly thinner and more crispy.