Small biscuits with milk

2023-10-29 18:32:39COOKIE





140 grams of low-fat flour
25 grams of milk powder
50 grams of milk
35 grams of butter
20 grams of egg
35 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Small biscuits with milk

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter dehydration to liquid

2. Spread the eggs in butter and stir evenly.

3. Pour fresh milk into the butter and stir evenly.

4. Add low-fat flour, fine sugar, and milk powder to stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is kneaded and then flattened with a dough stick to a thickness of 3 mm.

6. Cut into small squares

7. The gaps are placed in the pan, and the first time you do it, it's not very evenly cut.

8. Preheat oven, heat up to 180 degrees and bake for about 10 minutes

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of flour can be mixed into the dough, but do not over-mix, otherwise it will affect the brittleness of the biscuits 2 tablespoon because the biscuits are very small, so the cooker must pay attention to 3 tablespoon reference portion 70-80 tablespoon