Almonds and cookies

2023-10-29 18:33:47COOKIE





95 grams of flour
75 grams of cream
10 grams of milk
30 grams of flour
35 grams of baked almonds
1 gram of salt

How TO MADE Almonds and cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The flour is sifted, poured on the operating table, the cream is frozen, cut into small pieces in the flour.

2. Rub the cream and flour with your palms and mix until the flour turns slightly yellow.

3. Strain into the sugar powder and stir slightly.

4. Leave a hole in the middle, put the salt and milk in the flour, stir the salt and milk with your fingers, and then stir the whole thing.

5. Mix it by hand, then put it in the almond seeds, continue to mix it, wrap it in chunks, flatten it, and put it in the freezer for about ten minutes.

6. After being removed from the freezer, it is rubbed into sticks and wrapped in oil paper.

7. Continue to freeze for about twenty minutes.

8. Take it out, wet it with water, and then roll it around with sugar.

9. Cut into slices 1 cm thick, bake at 170 degrees for about ten minutes, and the white hair in the middle will be enough.


Handy cooking tips

  The whole almond is slightly roasted and then cut into small particles with a knife.