Traditional cakes

2023-10-29 18:34:11COOKIE


  After mid-autumn, the family always has some extra ingredients for making mooncakes, such as syrup, water, sesame seeds, etc. So let's make this delicious chicken cake together.Chicken noodles, also known as dumplings, are a traditional attraction in Guangdong. Chicken noodles have been selling well in Guangzhou. Chicken noodles in our old building in Hangzhou are also a pastry that everyone loves to buy and eat.Chicken pie is made from a variety of ingredients, such as crystal meat, milk, garlic and cinnamon powder, and has a rich, sweet and tasty aroma.Now that the materials are ready, you can do it yourself at home.



180 grams of flour
Iced meat (crystal meat) 120 g
Malted sugar (or converted syrup) 80 grams
4 grams of water
60 grams of fine sugar
35 grams of sesame oil
30 grams of milk
3 grains of garlic
2 grams of salt
30 grams of white sesame
35 grams of pine nuts
A little bit of pepper powder.

How TO MADE Traditional cakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, make ice cream: wash the fat meat, cut it into yellow bean-sized pieces, add water to boil, cook the meat, add 50 grams of sugar, 15 grams of white wine, mix evenly, seal and refrigerate for 1-2 weeks.

2. Prepare all the ingredients: sesame seeds, roasted pine nuts, chopped onions, chopped onions, chopped onions, chopped onions, chopped onions.

3. (These materials are made in 40 pieces)

4. Malted sugar and water are mixed, and sesame oil and sugar are mixed.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add all the remaining ingredients to the mixture and leave for half an hour.

6. The dough is divided into small pieces, flattened, placed on a baking tray, and brushed with egg yolk.

7. In the oven, bake at 185 degrees for 10 minutes, then set the temperature to 165 degrees for about 10 minutes, and the surface will be colored.

8. Take it out to cool.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Finished dishes.

10. Boil a pot of tea, bite a piece of cake, it smells good.


Handy cooking tips

  1. Making ice cream is key, boiled fat and sugar mixed with alcohol, put in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks, marinated meat will become snow-white like ice, crisp and sweet, fat without fat, use fat, do not use oil.2. Iced chicken pancakes are freshly baked and fragrant, they can be left on for a day or two, they taste better after softening, they are soft and salty, they have a complex aroma, the more they are chewed, the more delicious they are, the lips and teeth are on the tip of the tongue, the smell is constant.There are many ways to make chicken nuggets, as well as outer wrapping and filling, and try it next time.