Gallo cookies

2023-10-29 18:35:39COOKIE





150 grams of unsalted butter
52 grams of garlic
Low powder 150 grams
Half an egg.
50 grams of almond flour
3 grams of salt
80 grams of flour

How TO MADE Gallo cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparation: Remove the unsalted butter in advance, place it in a bowl and soften it thoroughly.

2. 2 Low-calorie flour and salt are mixed through a sieve and then mixed with almond flour.

3. If you don't have sugar powder at home, you can use ordinary white sugar to make a foam in a cooking machine.

4. 3 eggs scattered.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After drying the seeds, cut them with a knife.

6. The softened butter is first mixed with an electric egg beater, then poured into sugar powder, and continued to be spread until it turns white, swells loose, and appears feathery.

7. Pour the juice into the eggs and continue to boil.

8. Pour into a gallon of dried, sifted powder and stir gently and evenly (stir + slice) with a rubber scraper.

9. Put the cookie dough in a storage bag (I divided the two bags) and spread the dough evenly at the bottom of the bag, holding the mouth of the bag with one hand and gently squeezing the dough with a razor with the other hand.

10. After cooking, it is placed in the refrigerator refrigeration room until it hardens slightly, removed, then arranged in a cylindrical shape, put in the freezer and frozen until it hardens completely.

11. Preheat the oven at 160 degrees, heat the middle layer for about 15 minutes, until the bottom is evenly colored, and the edges are slightly colored.
