Walnut butter

2023-10-29 18:37:08COOKIE


  This is a very crisp cookie, the taste of childhood.When my brother came to Beijing, I made some for my parents, but when I was a kid, there were no walnuts in the peach jelly, I only knew it was so good after I made it myself! The recipe below is 56 pieces, I think the large amount can be reduced by half.



400 grams of flour
220 grams of vegetable oil
200 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of egg
120 grams of walnuts
1/2 teaspoon of powder X2
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
Brush the surface with a little egg yolk.

How TO MADE Walnut butter

Steps 1 to 4

1. Walnuts are baked in the oven for about eight minutes, then chopped for flavor.

2. Add fine sugar in a bowl and pour into vegetable oil

3. Add the scrambled eggs.

4. Mixed up

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the baking soda and the baking powder to the mixture and filter it into the bowl.

6. The crushed walnuts are poured over the flour, and the flour and walnuts are mixed with the chopsticks.

7. Mix all the ingredients together.

8. Grouped into two regiments

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take a small piece of dough and roll it into small balls.

10. Crush the ball.

11. Uniforms on oil-covered ovens (recommended tin foil)

12. The oven is preheated at 180 degrees for five minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Cookies and scrambled eggs

14. Put in the middle layer of the oven, 180 degrees, for about 16 to 18 minutes (depending on the size of the peach)

15. The surface is golden yellow and ready to be baked!

16. The walnut butter is out of the oven, eat it while it's hot, it smells good!

17. It's even more delicious when it's cold.

Handy cooking tips

  1 This time I baked two plates, a plate of cooked cloth, a plate of cooked tin paper, I think the color of the bottom of the cooked tin paper is just right, the bottom of the cooked cloth is a little blurry 2 I cooked until the last few minutes to see the point, the color is fast, the color is golden yellow, don't blur, be careful 3 The temperament of each oven is different, the cooking time is flexible 4 If the dough is dry, add a little vegetable oil, the wet cooked cloth is enough