Coconut cheese strips

2023-10-29 18:37:57COOKIE


  In the afternoon of autumn, the sun is no longer so sharp, brew a cup of tea, have a delicious dessert, it's so plain, plain, really how pleasant life is.Coconut cheese strips, this time I added raisins and cranberries and spiced sunflower seeds to make the base of the cake taste even more spicy, the overall taste is unique, the light coconut flavor is just right, sweet without fatigue makes me fall more and more in love with this delicate tea.



130 grams of Oreo biscuits
250 grams of cheese
Low flour 40 grams
75 grams of butter
50 grams of eggs
30 grams of cream
45 grams of white sugar
Dried cranberries 50 grams
50 grams of raisins
70 grams of yogurt
7 grams of coconut
40 grams of ripe sunflower seeds

How TO MADE Coconut cheese strips

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare all the ingredients (crush the biscuits, melt the butter insulation, scatter the eggs, put oil paper in the mold)

2. First, mix the biscuits and peanut butter in the melted butter.

3. It is then poured into a mould covered with oil paper and gently pressed flat.

4. The cheese is stirred until it is smooth, the white sugar is mixed evenly, and the egg juice is added twice, each time evenly, and then added.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add light cream and yogurt respectively and add evenly after each stirring.

6. Sift into low-powder mixture until free of particles

7. Add the cranberries and raisins to the mixture (preheat at 150 degrees in the oven)

8. Pour the mixed cheese paste into the mold, scrape it flat, and sprinkle it with coconut oil.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Place the middle layer in a preheated oven and cook for 45 minutes (cover with tin paper after coloring)

10. After cooling, it is removed from the mold, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated overnight, and then cut into pieces for best taste.

Handy cooking tips

  1. the time and temperature of the oven should be determined according to your own oven 2. the grains inside can be changed according to your own preferences 3. yogurt is the kind of raw yogurt that you make yourself