Peanut butter and cookies

2023-10-29 18:38:21COOKIE


  It's more nutritious to make it for the little ones at home, with peanut butter.



Low flour 100 grams
65 grams of butter
35 grams of peanut butter
45 grams of fine sugar
10 grams of whole egg juice

How TO MADE Peanut butter and cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Preparing materials

2. Soften the butter, beat until smooth, swell, add fine sugar (sugar powder may also be added), stir and melt

3. Added egg juice

4. Mixed evenly

Steps 5 to 8

5. Added peanut butter

6. Mixed evenly

7. Low screening powder

8. Mixed evenly

Steps 9 to 12

9. It's shaped to your liking, wrapped in a preservative, and frozen for about half an hour.

10. Remove, cut, some of the newly removed dough is hard and not well shaped, after cutting it is idle for about three minutes, some can be shaped after softening

11. I pressed and inserted it with a fork.

12. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes, bake for 15 minutes, the last 5 minutes pay attention to the color, the color can be removed, cooled and stored in a sealed container, can be eaten for about 10 days.
