Christmas cookies

2023-10-29 18:40:31COOKIE


  The atmosphere of Christmas is getting stronger and stronger, seeing everyone making Christmas cream cookies makes my heart itch and my hands itch, but the thought of making them with raw protein makes my heart a little unacceptable.I don't want to buy so many colors to make these cookies.I switched to chocolate, matcha powder and red pepper powder to add color, so it's not as bright.



200 grams of butter
100 grams of fine sugar
One egg (about 40 grams)
300 grams of low-fat flour
15 grams of milk powder
60 grams of white chocolate (for decoration)
A little salt.

How TO MADE Christmas cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is melted, then cooled until it has just solidified, poured into all the fine sugar and salt, until the butter is lighter in color and larger in volume.

2. The eggs are dispersed and added to the butter paste five to six times, stirring evenly and adding again.

3. Sift into low-fat flour and milk powder, which can be crushed by hand.

4. Lay a layer of preservative film on the table, put the dough on the preservative film, cover it with a layer of preservative film, and slowly knead the dough into slices about 5 mm thick.

Steps 5 to 8

5. (Nowadays, you don't need refrigeration, you can use it directly, but if the temperature is high, you have to refrigerate for about half an hour or freeze for 5 to 10 minutes.)

6. Carve a biscuit out of a biscuit mold and put it in a baking tray.

7. Preheat the oven, 170 degrees, heat up and down, medium, bake for about 18 minutes.

8. Pay attention to the observation.

9. Divide the white chocolate into three equal parts, one raw, one with a little tea powder, one with a little red curry powder, put the bag in hot water of about 45 degrees, melt the chocolate, mix the tea powder, red curry powder and chocolate evenly.

10. After the biscuits cool down, cut a very small (about 2 mm) cutout into a flower bag filled with chocolate, and squeeze out your favorite patterns on the biscuits.


Handy cooking tips

  1. It's cold, and chocolate is easy to solidify, so it's best to squeeze one color and squeeze the other.