Sugar cream cookies

2023-10-29 18:40:34COOKIE


  I've always wanted to try sugar cream biscuits because I've always loved the American East.In Vernon's words, I like everything that's cute.I confess that I am PINK-controlled, scarf-controlled, shoe-controlled, cup-controlled... Cute is a spirit! Just remember your place, never give up the right to pursue beauty.On a winter afternoon, with a warm sunshine, accompanied by soft music, accompanied by biscuits, there is no joy!



Low powder 150 grams
50 grams of flour
100 grams of butter
One egg yolk
150 grams of flour
A little salt.
20 grams of protein
15 ml of lemon juice

How TO MADE Sugar cream cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. After softening the butter at room temperature, add the sugar powder and stir evenly.

2. This way, the sugar powder doesn't splash out when you send it.

3. Stir until fluffy feathery with an electric egg beater.

4. Add the egg yolk gradually, stirring it thoroughly each time, and then add it again.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sieve the low-fat flour and salt and mix evenly with a scraper.

6. Gently knead the dough with both hands, wrap it in a preservative film, refrigerate it for one hour. Take out the refrigerated dough, spread it on both sides and grind it into 5 mm thick thin slices, press it into various shapes with a biscuit mold.

7. Add half of the protein to the sugar powder, stir until soft with an electric egg beater and add the other half to the sugar powder.

8. Add lemon water occasionally to adjust the thickness.

9. A ribbon-shaped drop can be seen when the egg beater is lifted.

10. Add an appropriate amount of edible dyes, adjust the color to the desired color, and pack them separately in a bag of flowers.

11. Cut the flower bag a little bit (slowly, don't cut too much at first, you can adjust slowly), first circle the area on the cookie that needs to be filled with sugar cream.

12. Fill the surface with a thinner sugar cream (you can add a little more lemon juice, but not too much, otherwise it will be too sour), and then fix the filling edge with a spoon edge or a toothpick.
