Chocolate almond handmade biscuits

2023-10-29 18:41:02COOKIE





40 grams of butter
90 grams of low-fat flour
6 grams of cocoa powder
30 grams of egg juice
45 grams of fine sugar
A little bit of almond.

How TO MADE Chocolate almond handmade biscuits

Steps 1 to 4

1. Butter softening and refined sugar

2. It can be sent until the color is slightly white.

3. Add the egg juice gradually, stirring evenly each time and adding it again.

4. Mixed butter into a light form

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix cocoa powder and low-fiber powder and add almond slices

6. Mix with a knife until there is no noticeable dry powder.

7. Put it in a bag, shape it into a rectangle, and refrigerate it for about an hour.

8. Frozen biscuit dough is cut into thin slices of about 0.5 cm with a knife

Steps 9 to 12

9. neatly arranged in a pan of oiled paper.

10. In the oven, heat the middle layer at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, and the color of the outside of the biscuit will be slightly darker.


Handy cooking tips

  Chocolate biscuits are easy to bake, so pay attention to the temperature of your oven.