Chocolate chip cookies

2023-10-29 18:41:39COOKIE


  The biscuits are very suitable for beginners to bake, because the ingredients and steps are simple.Chocolate bean cookies are made with nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and cashews, which are rich in vitamins and various unsaturated fatty acids.



250 grams of Anja butter
Two eggs.
50 grams of baking powder
100 grams of walnuts
Dark chocolate in moderation
250 grams of flour
450 grams of cake flour
100 grams of almonds
White chocolate in moderation

How TO MADE Chocolate chip cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. Cut the butter into small pieces and soften it, mix it evenly by hand with sugar powder and make it light yellow;

2. After the eggs are cooked, mix them three times and do not add them all at once.

3. Add the sifted cake flour evenly with the fruit seeds;

4. All the ingredients are mixed evenly by hand and the dough is pressed into an average of three to four pieces;

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough is formed by hand into a 3 cm square, wrapped in oil paper and placed in the refrigerator to be frozen until hard (about 1 hour);

6. Remove the frozen biscuits from the refrigerator and place them on a plate, cut them into thin slices 0.5 cm thick, and place them neatly in a pan covered with oil paper (oil cloth) (or in a non-stained pan);

7. Place the pan in a preheated Depp embedded oven at 170 degrees, medium layer, for about 20 minutes, until the surface is slightly golden yellow;

8. After baking, the biscuits are cooled, coated with chocolate paste and decorated with chocolate;

Handy cooking tips

  1. butter and sugar powder should not be rubbed too much, otherwise the bite shape of the biscuits baked out will be undesirable or change the flavor of the biscuits themselves; 2. the beans should be cut and mixed with the flour first, otherwise the mixed flour will affect the flavor after baking; 3. the biscuits put in the refrigerator must wait for the biscuits to freeze hard and cut again, otherwise everything will disperse; 4. the biscuit tray should be careful to leave a space around it, because the biscuits will pass through the butter and the eggs while baking; 5. pay attention to the change in oven temperature, pay attention to the change in the biscuits in the oven at all times during baking, if subjected to uneven heat, change the direction of the oven in a timely manner; (please note: before baking, raise the temperature of the oven to 170 degrees for ten minutes)