Iced sandwiches

2023-10-29 18:42:09COOKIE


  See you later, my dear.The last bit is a thousand layers of gingerbread, put on white sugar, and process it.If there's coarse sugar, maybe it's more like ice crystal sand, right?However, I have always disliked large sizes.Some people are worried that if it's baked, it won't look like ice, it won't look like gravel.It's nice to finally see some ice sand.The last bit of crispy dough disappears like this.See you later, my dear.It may be hard to say goodbye afterwards.



A thousand layers of dough
A moderate amount of egg juice
White sugar in moderation

How TO MADE Iced sandwiches

Steps 1 to 4

1. Materials used

2. Opening the dough

3. Cut about 10 centimeters of growth

4. Surface brushing of egg yolk

Steps 5 to 8

5. Spread the white sugar evenly

6. Turn around, brush the juice.

7. Filled with white sugar

8. Slightly pressed with a doughnut stick

Steps 9 to 12

9. Cut into strips about 1 cm wide

10. Screwed into a flower

11. Put it in the pan.

12. Put in the oven, medium, 180 degrees, roast for about 15 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Gold on the surface, furnace

Handy cooking tips

  The size of the dough can be adjusted according to your preferences and the size of the dough.The baking time and firepower need to be adjusted according to the actual conditions of the oven.