Butterfly butterfly

2023-10-29 18:42:49COOKIE


  I made a vanilla butterfly the other day, and it got consistent reviews.So someone suggested that I want to eat it, and I played with it today, and I made a double-flavored butterfly soup, which is still so beautiful, but it tastes even better.Baking is like this, watching us turn flour, clean water and other ingredients into beauty, the joy in my heart is indescribable.On the road to baking, we can only learn and learn, refer and refer, and combine our preferences to make a happy and sweet baking journey.



250 grams of flour
40 grams of butter
Clean water 120 grams
180 grams of butter
The right amount of herbs
White sugar in moderation
Cocoa powder in moderation

How TO MADE Butterfly butterfly

Steps 1 to 4

1. The material used is shown in the figure.

2. Clear water, lumpy butter, flour, fine salt are mixed together.

3. Mix until evenly wrapped in dry powder.

4. The dough is then transferred to the fresh bag.

Steps 5 to 8

5. When it's smooth, it's a little bit of a backup.

6. Half of the flour, with cocoa powder in it.

7. It's a bit of a time-consuming process, but it's a lot of work, and it's a lot of work.

8. But the finished product tells me that it doesn't affect the taste or the shape.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the flakes of butter on top.

10. After folding, place the mouth downwards.

11. Repeat four times.

12. At the same time, the raw dough is mixed into the flakes of butter, the mixed dough is folded, slightly stirred.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Pressed again to the back of the face.

14. A moderate amount of white sugar and vanilla flavoring is sprinkled on the surface.

15. After being folded on both sides, put in the refrigerator to freeze to a hard reserve.

16. Change the dough, set it on a plate, and add the right amount of white sugar.

17. Put it in the oven at 185 degrees and bake it for 25 minutes.

18. This is the end of a double-flavored butterfly.


Handy cooking tips

  When mixed into cocoa powder, the dough does not complete the fusion, but does not affect the taste and flavor.The oven temperature and time are adjusted according to the performance of the oven.