Cocoa waffles

2023-10-29 18:44:21COOKIE


  Often you can see a lot of eggplant flour, ice cream with your child's favorite flavor, chocolate sauce, spread on waffles, eat beautifully, you have to admit that waffles are really a very practical and can be combined with any dish!In short, food needs creativity.It's better to say that you like waffles than to say that you like waffle cakes, and to eat them directly.It's really a different flavor with your favorite ice cream or cream chocolate.



150 grams of eggs
100 grams of milk
160 grams of low-fat flour
65 grams of fine sugar
30 grams of cornstarch
10 grams of cocoa powder
6 grams of flour
60 grams of melted butter

How TO MADE Cocoa waffles

Steps 1 to 4

1. Eggs are sweetened by adding fine sugar.

2. Add milk and continue to stir evenly.

3. Low-fat flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder, and foam powder are mixed through a sieve into an egg mixture and stirred smoothly with an egg beater.

4. Pour the melted butter into the mixture evenly to form a paste

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pre-coat the waffle with a layer of oil and preheat.

6. The screened dough is poured into a preheated mold to cover almost the entire mold.

7. Close the lock, open the fire, cover the lid, heat for about 1 minute, then turn the lid over, heat for 1 to 2 minutes, then turn it over for 1 minute, wait until you can't see the steam, indicate that it's almost ripe

8. Roasted waffles with fruit and milk are a good choice.

Handy cooking tips

  Note: 1, replacing the cocoa powder in the recipe with an equal amount of low-fat flour can make a raw-flavored waffle cake.Cocoa powder can also be substituted for matcha or other equivalent amounts of fruit and vegetable powder.2, before baking, apply a layer of oil to the mold to prevent sticking, and preheat the mold in advance, so that it will be better to remove the mold.3, when baking, do not always put it on the gas stove, you can move the mold appropriately left and right, to ensure that the mold is heated evenly, so that the color of the baked waffle cake will be even, the finished product will not have some deep and some shallow problems.4, during baking, there will be a buzzing sound, at the same time there will be water vapor, it is better to wait until there is almost no water vapor.Roasted waffles don't stick to the mold, so you can use chopsticks to gently pick them along the pattern.