Small head.

2023-10-29 18:44:41COOKIE


  Memories of my childhood



One egg.
140 grams of potato starch
Low flour 20 grams
White sugar 35 grams
25 grams of milk powder
3 grams of flour

How TO MADE Small head.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Ingredients: one egg (50 grams), 35 grams of white sugar, 140 grams of potato starch, 25 grams of milk powder, 20 grams of low flour, 3 grams of baking powder

2. Add white sugar to the eggs.

3. Stir until white sugar melts.

4. Mix the flour and the baking powder, sieve with a powder sieve, stir evenly with a shovel, then make a lump, stir for 10 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take a piece of dough, grind it into a thin slice, cut it into small pieces, then grind it into a small circle with your hands and put it on the grill (your size).

6. Put it in the oven, choose the bottom tube, top and bottom tube 150 degrees, bake for 12 minutes.

7. (The oven is preheated for 5 minutes) Observe the baking at any time, especially the bottom is easy to paste, I have a little paste.

8. The paste can reduce the temperature of the downpipe appropriately.

9. Put it in a small box.


Handy cooking tips

  1. The quantum polygon of the soda powder can also be lowered, and the higher it is, the closer it is to the feeling of the entrance, but there will be cracks that affect the aesthetics.I just cracked it.2. When cutting small pieces, try to hold the same amount, otherwise the color may not be uniform.This is also the practice of the younger generation.When baking, the temperature can be adjusted according to the situation.I'm a little confused at the bottom.5. it doesn't feel like it's being sold outside, but it tastes good.