Green lemon cookies with tea cookies

2023-10-29 18:44:43COOKIE


  I've been thinking about this green lemon cookie for a long time, and the ingredients are very simple to prepare, and the key is the final composition, which is quite a test of patience and technique.Of course, I'll also show you how to make lovely tea cookies in a simple way.If you have time, try it.



1/3 cup (66) grams of white sugar
One egg.
1+1/4 cup (160 grams) of high starch flour
Tea powder in moderation
1/2 cup (110 g) of unsalted butter
White sugar (for decorative peels) in moderation

How TO MADE Green lemon cookies with tea cookies

Steps 1 to 4

1. The ingredients are ready, the butter is softened at room temperature, the eggs are separated from the yolk, the eggs are cleaned and put aside for backup.

2. Add butter and white sugar to stir evenly

3. Add egg yolk and vanilla to stir evenly

4. Flour poured into the sieve

Steps 5 to 8

5. Slowly mix into a dough with a shovel

6. Remove 1/3 of the dough and add a moderate amount of mashed potatoes.

7. This method of pressing and laying ensures that the final cookie is not too hard.

8. Finally, the dough is rubbed into a cylinder, wrapped in a preservative film, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for at least one hour, this is the inner core of the lemon, so the color of the tea will be slightly lighter

Steps 9 to 12

9. Remove another 1/3 of the dough, wrap it in a thin skin between the two preservative films, and refrigerate it.

10. Remove the last 1/3 of the dough, add more matcha powder to ensure a deeper color, knead into a slightly thicker skin, refrigerate

11. Remove the hardened inner core of the cylinder, place it upright, cut it vertically from the circular surface, cut it to 8 degrees.

12. I'm going to split the big cylinder into two smaller cylinders, and then I'm going to cut them into eight equal parts.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Place the core on the thin skin of the original color, cut out the thin skin of the same size as the contact surface and glue it to the core.

14. This is how the remaining seven cores were completed.

15. Finally, eight cores with thin skins of the original color are assembled and rolled on the workbench to adjust their shape.

16. Re-wrapped in a thin layer of leather

17. It is then wrapped in a slightly thicker dark green skin, wrapped in a preservative film, and refrigerated for at least one hour.

18. Pour a little dye into a sealed bag and wipe it off.

19. Pour it into white sugar, shake it, or clap your hands, and you've got colored sugar.

20. Preheat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius, remove the dough, brush the outer surface with egg yolk, roll it a few times on a sugar bed so that the outer surface is evenly covered with sugar

21. Slice the dough so that you can see what the lemon looks like, and refrigerate for 10 minutes before putting it in the oven.

22. The remaining edges can be rubbed into small balls and then pressed with your fingers into small cakes, sprinkled with some sugar powder decoration

23. Put in the oven for about 10 to 12 minutes, then heat it in half and cool it on the shelf.

Handy cooking tips

  2. Use a preservative film, because the only thing that does not stick to the dough is it, steps 14 and 15 need to be completed separately from the preservative film, the thin skin is placed on the preservative film, the inner core is placed on the thin skin, first cut about the size, then the thin skin is wrapped in the inner core like a yoga mat.