Handmade - ultra-soft bread

2023-10-29 18:49:22BREADS


  It's always been a bread machine, but I haven't been able to get rid of that thin handkerchief, recently I tried to get rid of it by hand, it's really cruel, but I enjoyed it, this time it's much shorter than last time.Fuel up (^ω^)



500 grams of starch
350 ml of milk
50 grams of white sugar
50 grams of butter
5 grams of yeast
3 grams of salt
One egg.

How TO MADE Handmade - ultra-soft bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The milk is microwaved for one minute, the yeast is added, stirred evenly and then rested for five minutes.

2. Mix all the ingredients except butter and salt, slowly add milk, knead into a dough and let stand for 20 minutes

3. After freezing, the dough is rubbed out like a washcloth, pulled back, repeatedly rubbed until the expansion stage, added butter and salt, and continued rubbing

4. You can pull out a thin handkerchief, and you're done, and it's about forty minutes (holding on is victory?)

Steps 5 to 8

5. After kneading into a smooth dough, the first fermentation takes about an hour.

6. Fermentation to twice its original size is OK.

7. After the fermented dough is exhausted, it is shaped into its preferred shape, and then it is fermented again.

8. After the second heat, the oven is preheated to 170 degrees.

9. Brush the egg yolk on the surface, put the top layer in the oven, 170 degrees for 25 minutes