What do babies and adults eat for breakfast - fragrant butter bread rolls

2023-10-29 18:49:28BREADS


  Bread is the healthiest and most nutritious of all baked foods, with much fewer calories than biscuits and cakes.In fact, making bread is not as difficult as you might think, so today we're going to start with simple butter bread and learn the basics of how to make bread.Give your baby a different taste for breakfast.



200 grams of high-quality flour
110 grams of warm water
30 grams of butter
One egg yolk
25 grams of fine sugar
10 grams of milk powder
1 teaspoon (5 ml) of dry yeast
3 grams of salt
A moderate amount of whole egg juice

How TO MADE What do babies and adults eat for breakfast - fragrant butter bread rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare all the ingredients, soften the butter, mix the flour, milk powder, fine sugar and salt evenly, dissolve the dry yeast in half warm water.

2. The material other than butter, i.e. the mixed dry material, is added to the water in which the egg yolk is dissolved in the yeast, and the other half of the water is mixed into the dough.

3. Due to the different water absorption of different flours, the other half of the water should not be added at once, adding or subtracting as desired according to the actual situation.

4. At the beginning of the kneading, the dough will be very sticky and the surface will not be smooth, if the dough sticks to the pattern, you can use a plastic scraper to scoop it up and continue kneading.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough will slowly become elastic, smooth on the surface, and less sticky.

6. It's not easy to make the dough very thin, a little thinner will tear out the hole.

7. Add softened butter and rub the butter on the dough.

8. The butter is slowly absorbed by the dough and continues to be kneaded, making the dough smooth and elastic.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough can be kneaded to the expansion stage, and the dough can be carefully kneaded to form a thin film, but the film is not particularly tough and is more likely to break, at which point the kneading can be stopped.

10. If you continue to knead, the dough will reach the perfect stage, it can be used to make toast bread, detailed methods we break down next time.

11. The finished dough is placed in a bowl, covered with a preservative film or wet cloth, and first fermented at room temperature.

12. Fermented to 2 to 2.5 times its original size.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The higher the room temperature, the shorter the fermentation time.

14. The fermented dough is squeezed out of the air, divided into eight equal parts, and left at room temperature for 15 minutes.

15. Take a good dough and use a dough stick to make an oval.

16. Roll it up and down.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Rub the rolled dough into a thick shape.

18. One hand holds one end of the tip, and the other hand uses a doughnut stick to pass from one end of the tip to the thick end.

19. Then roll it down from the thick end.

20. What it looks like in the graph.

21. Wrap all the dough and put it on the grill, leaving a space between each dough.

22. Put the pan in the oven, use the fermentation process for a second fermentation, put a bowl of water in the oven to ensure humidity.

23. About 40 minutes or so.

24. When the dough is fermented to twice its original size, it is ready to ferment, and a layer of whole egg juice is rubbed on the surface of the dough.

25. Put it in a preheated oven at 170 degrees, about 10 minutes, and the surface will turn golden yellow.

26. Finished product

Handy cooking tips

  Whether the bread is successful or not, the dough is the most important part and the most laborious part.In order to save energy, the process is basically the same, and the same method is used to test the thin film of the dough.It is preferable to use metal or silicone pads, which are less sticky than wooden pads.Baked bread should be completely cooled and then wrapped in a freshly baked bag, otherwise it is prone to mold.It can be stored at room temperature for two or three days, and putting it in the refrigerator will make the bread dry and hard to taste.